Bremen | The Bocage Park

The Bocage Park

The Bocage Park is a representative park facility located at the urban airport hub and serves as both an entrance to the airport and as a leisure area for the adjacent urban area. Avenues, paths and hedge elements (a reinterpretation of the hedgerows found in the Bocage country of Normandy) are used to form clearly defined spaces. View axes, trees, and low plantings are used as structural elements in the park; they emphasise the connection between the northern and southern sections of the park and make it an attractive location year-round. The spatial quality has been improved as a result of the relocation and redesign of the Neuenlander Wasserlöse (a drainage canal), which now has a promenade running alongside it.    

To the northeast, near Airbus-Allee, a belvedere with a grove of trees greets visitors. From here steps lead to a circular basin which serves as a retention basin and is a counterpart to the existing rectangular fountain basin at the southern end of the park. Together with boxwood hedge elements it creates an unusual and interesting space which has a variety of garden art-related elements. The bronze sculpture of an albatross marks the outlet structure of an underground rainwater canal, where water runs into the Neuenlander Wasserlöse drainage canal, thus creating a link to the theme of ‘flight’: the bird is resting and having a drink of water.